The annual spring showcase will be on Sunday, April 28th. Showcase tuition for each additional student will be $50 for the 11:00 and 1:30, and $60 for the 5:00 and 7:30. This is to assist with additional staff, performance fees and more. The 5:00 and 7:30 showcase sets will be focused on full band performances. All students participating in one of these shows will need to attend rehearsals between 3:00 and 9:00 on Saturdays, April 20th and 27th. These rehearsals are mandatory for all students participating in bands and ensembles. Each song that students participate in will be there for 30 minutes per song. We will make our best attempts to keep students in multiple songs together for the rehearsal, however it might not be possible to do so. Please be sure that students are available for the entire showcase performance time as song times can not be moved or changed after March 1st. Each show should run for about 90 minutes.

Rehearsals will be held at Hellhound Studios at 1605 Coach Street in Rahway for students participating in either showcase. A rehearsal schedule will be provided for all students participating approximately 4 weeks before the first rehearsal in order to accommodate scheduling and to provide any pertinent details. Should there be any issues with scheduling, or if you need us to make any scheduling considerations, please contact us asap so that we can keep that in mind. REHEARSALS ARE MANDATORY AND ANY STUDENTS UNABLE TO ATTEND BOTH MUST BE APPROVED BY THE SCHOOL BEFORE MARCH 15TH.
Students participating in the 11:00 or 1:30 showcases may be asked to come into a lesson time rehearsal, or may have another student come into their lesson time for one or more rehearsals. Students may also be asked to come to rehearse on a day outside of their lesson days. Rehearsals will be coordinated by the administrative staff along with teachers. Songs for the 11:00 and 1:30 performance are limited to 2 1/2 minutes for solo performances and 4 minutes for duets and ensembles in order to accommodate participating students. Some songs may be shortened or adjusted for the time limit.
If you are unsure of what showcase your child will be scheduled for, please reach out to us directly at valenciamusicnj@gmail.com, or call or text 908.967.0458.
Students who wish to participate with bands on vocals or piano should submit a video audition through TeacherZone. Videos can be made at home as well as in their lessons with their teachers. Please submit videos no later than February 23rd for consideration. Teachers will be happy to explain the audition process in lessons. Please be aware that vocal students may be placed in one or more songs as a lead or backup vocalist depending on how we feel they will best fit the group and benefit from the learning experience.

We strongly request making seating reservations for Crossroads. In order to make reservations you must contact the restaurant directly prior to April 20th. However, we recommend contacting them as soon as you know your showcase and party size. Please let Crossroads know which showcase time(s) you will be attending. There is limited seating so we strongly recommend contacting them as soon as possible. This allows the restaurant and the waitstaff to arrange tables and seating to accommodate as many people as possible. Please call them directly at 908.232.5666. Valencia Music does not coordinate reservations between families and the venue. Please be aware that seating may be at the bar. Please inform Crossroads if you are unable to climb stairs, or have any family members who may have limited mobility so that they can plan accordingly.
Students participating in the full band showcases may also be invited to participate in the main stage at Spring Fling on Sunday, May 5th. Spring Fling is scheduled for May 5th. Not all bands will be asked to participate, but please indicate on the sign up form if your child is available to participate.
We do ask that families stay for the entire performance 90 minute performance. We are doing our best to allow for each showcase to run no more than 90 minutes. This will give students of different levels a chance to perform for a more diverse audience, and it will allow for advanced students to show less experienced students what they are working towards. If students must leave prior to the end of the performance, however, please let us know ahead of time, as well as the venue so that they may reassign your seating if necessary.
Please contact administration directly if you have any questions. You can reach us at valenciamusicnj@gmail.com or 908.967.0458
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